
How to connect SONY PS3 controller to Mac (High Sierra) with Bluetooth

The information I've found on the Internet are mostly wrong. The steps below are tested and worked.

Pairing with Mac (High Sierra)
  1. Connect Mac and controller with mini USB (The 4 lights flash SLOWLY).
  2. Turn on Bluetooth and the "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" is listed (Not Connected).
  3. Unplug mini USB between controller and Mac.
  4. Push "PS" button on the controller (The 4 lights flash QUICKLY).
  5. The "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" in the list is connected.
Connect with Mac
  1. Turn on Bluetooth.
  2. Push "PS" button on the controller (The 4 lights flash QUICKLY).
  3. The controller in the Bluetooth list is connected.
Disconnect with Mac
  • Method 1: Push "PS" button on the controller for 10 seconds (The 4 lights turn off).
  • Method 2: Turn off Bluetooth and the controller will be turned off automatically.
    1. Connect Mac/PC and controller with mini USB.
    2. While charging, the 4 lights will flash SLOWLY.
    3. While completed, the 4 lights will be turned OFF.
    4. Do NOT use any mobile CHARGER to charge controller.

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